
目前顯示的是 9月, 2015的文章


我喜歡的書,做一個整理。 不分類 Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software Code Complete 2 Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code Refactoring to Patterns The Art of Unit Testing Clean Code The Clean Coder Dreaming in Code The Art of Readable Code Software Architecutre in Practice Beautiful Code Coders at Work: Reflections on the craft of programming Java Effective Java Practical Java Java Performance: The Definitive Guide Java 8 Lamdbas Programming Clojure Spring in Practice C#/.NET C# in depth Adaptive Code via C# Effective C# More Effective C# C# Cookbook Concurrency in C# Cookbook Pro .NET Performance Writing High-Performance .NET code Microsoft .NET - Architecting Applications for Enterprise Learning .NET High-performance Programming Python Python Essential Reference Learning Python The Quick Python Book C++ C++ Primer Accelerated C++ Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook Effective C++ More Effective C++ Eff


這禮拜一(8/31),我早上醒來突然覺得我是不是不應該繼續躺在床上看Facebook?所以我刻意放下手機起床刷牙洗臉。然後我腦袋中突然跑出一句話「少用Facebook,他浪費你太多時間」,於是我東想西想,決定讓Facebook漸漸淡出我的生活。 XD 嗯,我不是不再使用,只是我不能再當一個重度使用者。我規定自己,只有在通勤的時候看。 過了兩天,今天是9/2,就好像我不用Google做我的主力搜尋引擎一樣,偶爾還是會用到,但是我不主動打開他。少用Facebook,你可以得到更多時間做真正更有意義的事。